New member onboarding

This guide is a general reference for being in the Weecology lab at UF. Some info is below, but much of it is actually located among the various lab-wiki pages, and linked to from here.

If you are a new member to the lab, please see the issues page of the lab wiki for the onboarding checklist. Make a new issue with your name and copy the list, and then be sure to go through it, referring back to the info here as necessary.

General Lab Policies

Lab Philosophy

See Way of Weecology.

Lab Code of Conduct

See here.

Software Project Code of Conduct

For software projects, repos should adopt a separate code of conduct for interactions with contributors. See here for an example.


Earl grey should almost always have milk in it! (though this is technically optional, per ISO 3103)

Expectations / Annual Self-Assessment

See here for more info.

Slack and GitHub

  • Markdown formatting
  • Look through and subscribe to channels on Slack
  • Basic commands in Slack (replies, responses, reminders, notifications for individuals/channel)
  • GitHub repos (creating, subscribing, making issues, pull requests)
  • Lab policies around using GitHub


Once you have your Google account, you will have access to the lab calendars. You can access these from a web browser at (Note that you may need to use the account management button in the upper-right corner if you are logged in with other Google accounts at the same time.)

Please keep your personal calendar up to date on when you will be out of town to help with scheduling meetings. Ethan & Morgan will have viewing access to your calendar. Some calendars you might want to add to your view to stay informed are:

  • “ethan” (Ethan White)
  • “morgan” (Morgan Ernest)
  • “conference room”

The conference room schedule is maintained separately. You might need to contact someone who already has access to share the calendar with you.

Lab Meeting

(for Spring 2018) Weds at 1pm ET.

Typical agenda is something like:

  • general announcements
  • short summary of past week from individuals present
  • presentation of research (see here for the schedule)

Contact Info

Emergency Contact Info here

For correspondence, you can use the WEC office contact info.

Day-to-Day Operations

Computer Setup

Tell Glenda if you need a new computer.

Here’s a basic checklist for computer privacy and security. For more info, check out the wiki page on Computer Security and Privacy Resources

  • Get a password manager for your various website passwords.
  • Set up 2FA where you can, and especially for important services like email and GitHub
  • ^ Talk to Ethan or Glenda about getting a Yubikey for 2FA if you don’t have one already
  • Set up a SSH key for command-line access to GitHub. instructions here

Basic Software Setup

Programming setup for Macs

TODO: Complete existing page

TODO: Info for other OSes

The lab is transitioning to use of Zotero as a common standard for managing bibliographies.


Lab wiki pages:

Git and GitHub

Some external resources:

(Hao) I have this in my ~/.gitconfig file to enable the git lg alias on command-line.

lg1 = log --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate --format=format:'%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset) - %C(bold green)(%ar)%C(reset) %C(white)%<(40,trunc)%s%C(reset) %C(reverse white)- %an%C(reset)%C(bold yellow)%d%C(reset)' --all
lg2 = log --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate --format=format:'%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset) - %C(bold cyan)%aD%C(reset) %C(bold green)(%ar)%C(reset)%C(bold yellow)%d%C(reset)%n''          %C(white)%s%C(reset) %C(dim white)- %an%C(reset)' --all
lg = !"git lg1"

Lab wiki pages:


Offsite backup of lab computers is best done using the T: drive. Access instructions

***TODO: Info on how to setup automated backups? ***

Lab Printer

The lab printer is located in room 015 and accessible from the UFL network at You may need to download and install drivers before adding it as a printer in order for it to function properly.

Shared Spaces

Learn about lab spaces and how to use them

Campus Resources

UFL Police / Security

Student Health Care Center

Located in the historic Infirmary Building on Fletcher Drive. more info

  • Health Insurance:

    • Grad students can apply to GatorGradCare Helath insurance. Despite it is free, enrollment is not automatic: you need to request for renew it every year by mid September here. If you are interested in knowing more about GatorGrad Care benefits, see here
  • Dental:

    • Students enrolled in GatorGradCare are eligible for a complete oral health exam and cleaning once a year. Here is a brochure of what it is about!
  • vision?

  • Mental Health:

    • Gradschool (and Academia) is awesome but stressful: fortunately UFL aknowledges it, and it has some resources available for us. Everybody may need them, and using these resources can make a difference to manage strees, help with focusing and productivity, and most importantly, help everybody to take care of their mental health. If you are interested to learn more here is a list of some available resources.
    • Staff have access to UF’s Employee Assistance Program.
    • University of Florida Counseling and Wellness Center (CWC) : If a student has an urgent mental health need during business hours, CWC counselors are available between the hours of 9am and 4pm, Monday through Friday at Radio Road or the 4th floor of Peabody Hall. If a student has an urgent mental health need after business hours, phone consultation with a counselor is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call at 352-392-1575. 3190 Radio Road, Gainesville, FL 32611 Monday-Friday 8am-5pm 352-392-1575
    • Emergency consultations are available with the CARE Team anytime, including outside of business hours. CARE Team: Peabody Hall, 3rd Level Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm 352-294-CARE (2273)
    • University of Florida Student Health Care Center ( 280 Fletcher Drive Gainesville, Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm; Closed Saturdays; Sunday, 12 - 4:00 pm 352-392-1161
    • GatorWell Health Promotion Services (​​​​​​​): Reitz Union, Suite 1100 Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm 352-273-4450
  • Other resources:

    • National Sexual Assault Online Hotline Website:
    • PsyberGuide resource: Mental Health Product Guide ( A non-profit website providing reviews of mental health apps. Their goal is to provide reviews of mental health apps that are free of preference, bias, or endorsement.
    • Student Success ( Student Success is a program to help students be successful at school, and as future professionals. It covers self-care, problem-solving, and self-management.
    • thedesk ( Online resource that aims to normalize experiences and help students to develop skills to be able to get things done, stay connected with others, manage stress and worries, and improve health.


  • Zoocial!
    • Every Friday night grad students mainly from WEC, Biology, and Acquatic Sciences meet at 5:00 PM outside Bartram Hall. It is a relaxed, puppy friendly opportunity to meet other folks.


Financial Services


See for info about travel and reimbursement.

Grad Student Union / Association?

Buying Stuff

See for info on setting up a PCARD.


See here for more info.

Florida Residency (for students)

You’ll be required to apply for Florida Residency after your first year. To make it as smooth as possible follow the steps in the residency notes before your first day of classes.

Florida Driver’s License and Car Registration

Students generally do not need to do this, but employees are supposed to register cars within 10 days (!), which first requires a FL driver’s license… Do pay close attention to the ID requirements.

See here for more info.
